MPP David Piccini was joined by OTF Board Member Elaine Sheppard and local dignitaries in recognition of over 340-thousand dollars in Resilient Communities Funding to help Cornerstone rebuild and recover from the impacts of the pandemic.
Cornerstone Executive Director Nancy Johnston told us how important OTF funding has been.
Johnston told us rural areas are a particular concern.
Johnston went on to say that isolation plays a factor in rural communities as well as a lack of access to social services and for that reason, Cornerstone has satellite sites to make connecting with them easier.
According to Johnston, provincial funding is a big help but it’s necessary to augment it with local fundraising.
Johnston told us to stay tuned for more info on Walk a Mile which will take place again this fall.
Since 1983, Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre has been providing 24 hour a day shelter and counselling services to hundreds of residents in Northumberland County each year.
Written by Joseph Goden