The YMCA Northumberland’s Rainbow Run is a community and family-friendly event that celebrates the LGBTQIA2S+ community and its allies.
The event helps celebrate inclusion and diversity during Pride month and encourages healthy living through movement. The event welcomes everyone.
The run/walk event will be a fun community event that will take place on June the 4th starting at the Yacht Club.
YMCA’s Raff Melito told us that everyone is encouraged to help make this a festive event by dressing up, and that furry friends, and strollers are also welcome. For the safety of the runners, participants with strollers and furry friends are asked to let the running participants lead the fun.
Race Director Rod Simpson gave us some details.
Finisher Medals will be given to celebrate your participation in the run or walk.
YMCA Northumberland is pleased to have funding support through the Government of Canada for the ParticipACTION Community Challenge.
Raff told us the first 100 registrants will receive a t-shirt and if the entrance fee is an obstacle, you can register at no cost using the code PRIDE23 for free entry.
The Community Challenge is a national physical activity initiative that encourages everyone to get active together throughout June, with Canada’s most active community winning the top prize of $100,000 to go towards local physical activity and sport initiatives.
Melito told us about events the YMCA will be holding during Pride Month celebrations
For more info on the run and other events visit the YMCA website at YMCA Northumberland’s Rainbow Run- June 4, 2023 – YMCA Northumberland (
Written by Joseph Goden