The Brighton and District Curling Club (BDCC) recently completed its 3rd Annual Adult Learn to Curl program.
BDCC Member Louise Lance told us more.
Audio PlayerThese new curlers received coaching and instruction with this comprehensive program that was 9 weeks in duration.
Audio Player“They are now able to curl safely, effectively and feel confident as recreational curlers,” said Lance who is also a volunteer instructor.
Audio Player“The program begins with the basic skills, rules and etiquette and progresses to game play and strategy. Players learn to play each position in the game.”
Audio PlayerIf you’re looking for a way to break up the winter, Lance says, try curling.
Audio PlayerRather than speed or power, curling is about practice and precision above all else. It has been nicknamed as “chess on ice” for the amount of strategy involved in winning a game. According to Louise, this is one of the reasons it is so popular among both players and spectators.
Audio PlayerStiff knees or hips that might prevent you from bending into the hack. Stick curling is practiced at the BDCC too. Stick curling is similar to regular curling in every way except the stone is delivered using a throwing device from an upright walking position.
“We have instructors qualified in both methods of delivery,” added Lance.
The team of volunteer instructors at the BDCC, led by Louise Lance included Brian Watt, Grace and Jim Anderson, Lisa Donovan, Johanne Seccareccia, Lynn Marshall, Wendy Ervine, Otto Richter, Nancy Sheppard and Rick Wong. Together they shared their skill and knowledge of their favourite winter sport.
To the new 31 curlers – good curling!!
For more information about the BDCC visit Brighton Curling Club – Home
Written by Alicia Vandine